Discipline Rules

  1. Student should wear the school uniform on school days and functions. Students coming without uniform should bring an excuse note from their parents. On PT period days and national days the special PT uniform should be worn.
  2. Irregular attendance unjustified absence, habitual idleness, disobedience or objectionable more influence justify dismissal. Running playing or shouting inside the school building is prohibited.
  3. Any kind of damage done by pupil to the school equipment, furniture, building etc. will have to be made good Fines may be imposed with the principal sanction.
  4. Student are expected to be in their class rooms by the first warning bell.
  5. During the absence of the teacher the Monitor will be responsible for the order and discipline of the class.
  6. When students move along the corridor or when changing classes, they must walk in silence and in a single line. The teacher on the class should be the last to leave.
  7. All should be particularly careful not to throw paper, seeds etc. anywhere in the school premises. They should use the baskets and dust bins especially provided for this purpose.
  8. No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be started in the school and no meeting demonstration party or picnic may be held without the previous sanction of the principal.
  9. The school cannot make itself responsible for books, money clothes and other articles that are lost Student must look after their own things. It is no advisable for pupils to have much money or valuable article or gold ornaments with them.
  10. Every students should endeavor to keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in good manners. Hence for the smooth running of the school, no student should bring to school any object liable to prove a source of disturbance eg. Crackers, water pistols etc.
  11. No child will be permitted to bring razor blades, knives or other lethal objects to school. To use of pencil sharpeners is recommended.
  12. Pupils are made to realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in School but also for their general behavior outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct outside the school on the part of the pupils are liable for disciplinary actions.
  13. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, cheating during examination disobedience or conduct injurious for the moral tone of the school are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a pupil.
  14. Pupils are not permitted to leave the school compound during recess without permission.
  15. No student who has been absent from school or is late for the first period in the morning or in the afternoon session, will be admitted to class without the principal's/Vice-Principal's/H.M. Signature.
  16. Personal cleaning and hygiene are greatly recommended to all shaggy, uncut hair will not be permitted Students finger nails must be cut short and kept clean for girls no nail varnish is to be used. Jewellery, bangles, earning, gold chain etc. is not permitted and will be confiscated if worn with school uniform.
  17. No books, other than text books or library books news papers and periodical, may be brought into school premises without the principal's sanctions. Pupils found having immoral books or pictures in their possessing or lending them to others are liable to be expelled from school.
  18. All are expected to speak only English in the school.
  19. Pupils are forbidden to take a part in any political or other Organization like to result in violence or command disturbance.
  20. Parents and Guardians are not allowed to see their children or meet the teacher during school hours.
  21. A record of the address of parents/guardians is maintained in the school office Any charge of Address should be promptly informed.
  22. The School management reserve the right to add, or omit any of these Rules and the same shall be binding to the parents and pupils.
  23. Parents are given to understand that they cannot dictate terms to the management and that the Management has a right to say on what condition the will admit or retain pupils in their school.
  24. Every student must have three pairs of school uniforms and come to school wearing the proper school uniform very neatly on class days.
  25. Pupils shall always respect their teachers, elders and friends in a pleasant tone or vice, whenever they meet them in school or outside. They shall be polite in speaking with one another, using the four magic words, Viz, "Please, Thank you, Sorry and Excuse me." They should always avoid the use of slang and common expressions.
  26. School character certificate and other certificate will be issued only to those who leave school after completing the full S.S.C. course and if the attendance and conduct are satisfactory.
  27. Any pupils who is persistently insubordinate or repeated willfully mischievous or is guilty of malpractice in connection with examination and/or misbehavior may be expelled permanently or remove for a specified period by the head of the school.